
How To Say Mother's Day In Spanish

fourscore+ Spanish Words to Depict Your Mom

With Female parent's Day just around the corner, it'due south time to learn some excellent words to describe your mom in Spanish!

This article gives you the basic tools y'all need to fully answer the question, ¿Cómo es tu mamá? ("What is   your mom like?"). Keep reading for a gold mine of adjectives, nouns, phrases, and sentences to describe your love madre any twenty-four hour period of the year.

Hand-picked for you: How to Say (and Celebrate) Happy Mother's Twenty-four hours in Spanish

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  • Applied Words to Draw Your Mom in Spanish
  • A Reminder About Spanish Adjectives
  • Flowery Words to Depict Your Mom in Spanish
  • Improve Your Spanish-Speaking Skills

Practical Words to Describe Your Mom in Castilian

Beginning, let's have a look at how to draw your mother in terms of her appearance, experience, marital status, or other aspects of her life and groundwork.

Her proper name — su nombre

Her age — su edad

Her marital status – su estado civil

  • Married — casada
  • Single — soltera

Her profession — su profession

Her nationality — su nacionalidad

  • Meet also: A Behemothic List of 119 Nations and Nationalities in Spanish

Her appearance — su apariencia

Other characteristics — otras características

words to describe your mom

Case Sentences

Mi mamá se llama Linda.
My mom's name is Linda.

Mi madre está casada con mi padre.
My female parent is married to my begetter.

Mi madre tiene sesenta y ocho años.
My mother is 68 years one-time.

Mi madre era una maestra de educación especial.
My female parent was a Special Educational activity instructor.

Mi madre tiene un hermano mayor y una hermana menor.
My mother has an older brother and a younger sis.

Mi mamá es baja y gordita.
My mother is curt and stubby.

Mi madre es bonita.
My mother is beautiful.

Mi madre es mexicana.
My mother is Mexican.

Mi madre usa gafas.
My mother wears glasses.

Mi mamá nació en California.
My mom was born in California.

Mi madre tenía 27 años cuando yo nací.
My female parent was 27 when I was born.

Mi mamá tiene dos hijas y un hijo.
My mom has two daughters and a son.

¡Quiero mucho a mi mamá!
I love my mom very much!

To learn more, check out Talk About Your Family in Spanish.

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A Reminder Most Castilian Adjectives

When you utilise Spanish adjectives, call up that each describing word in English language usually has non one only four corresponding describing words in Spanish!

This is because Spanish adjectives must concord with the gender (masculine or feminine) and number (atypical or plural) of the noun they draw.

That's why virtually Spanish describing words take similar but carve up words for each of the two genders (for example, bajo or baja for the word "short"). If they're referring to plural people, places, things, or ideas, an -s must exist added at the end (bajos, bajas).

However, some adjectives end in -east and thus have but one grade, such as

  • inteligente – intelligent
  • alegre – joyful, cheerful
  • valiente – brave

All the vocabulary in this post refers to one female parent. I've provided the atypical feminine form of many Spanish adjectives for you below!

Flowery Words to Depict Your Mom in Castilian: 82 Atypical Feminine Adjectives

In honor of Female parent'southward Day, it's a lovely thought to utilise more than flowery words to describe your mom in Spanish.

To discuss your mother in the third person, the most basic sentence to employ is

Mi mamá es __________.
My mom is __________.

To address your mom directly, use whatsoever of the post-obit options:

Mama, eres __________.
Mom, you are __________.

Gracias por ser __________ .
Give thanks you for being __________.

Te amo por ser ____________.
I love you for being ____________.

Siempre ha sido __________.
You've always been __________.

Te agradezco por ser tan __________.
I appreciate you for being so  __________.

Merely fill in the blank with whatever relevant adjectives from the alphabetical list beneath.

Become a free PDF with these phrases and glossary of words to describe your mom in Spanish!

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Affectionate — afectuosa

Amazing — increíble

Beholden — agradecida

Circumspect — atenta


Beautiful — hermosa

Love — amada

Blessed — bendita

Bold — intrépida

Brave — valiente


Calm — tranquila

Conscientious — cuidadosa

Caring — cariñosa

Cautious — cauta, cautelosa

Cheerful — alegre

Cherished — querida

Clever — lista

Compassionate — compasiva

Confident — segura

Considerate — considerada


Direct — directa

Delightful — preciosa, agradable

Due east

Eccentric — excéntrica

Efficient — eficiente

Elegant — elegante

Emotional — sensible

Exquisite — exquisita


Friendly — amigable

Fun — divertida

Funny — graciosa

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Generous — generosa

Skillful — buena

Graceful — agraciada

Grateful — agradecida

Great — estupenda


Happy — contenta

Difficult-working — trabajadora

Helpful — ayudante

Honest — honesta

Apprehensive — modesta, humilde


Imaginative — imaginativa

Impulsive — impulsiva

Independent — independiente

Inspiring — inspiradora

Interesting— interesante


Joyful — alegre


Kind — amable, bondadosa


Loving — amorosa

Lovely — linda, encantadora


Mature — madura

Memorable — memorable

Motherly — maternal


Dainty — simpática, amable


Patient — paciente

Peaceful — pacífica

Persevering — perseverante

Playful — juguetóna

Pleasant — agradable

Polite — educada

Positive — positivo

Powerful — poderosa

Practical — práctica

Precious — preciosa

Protective — protectora

Proud — orgullosa


Quiet — reservada


Realistic — realista

Reliable — fiable, de confianza

Resourceful — ingeniosa

Respectful — respetuosa

Responsible — responsable


Sassy — atrevida

Sensible — sensata

Sentimental — sentimental

Serious — seria

Skillful — hábil

Smart — inteligente

Special — especial

Stable — estable

Strong — fuerte

Super — súper

Sweet — dulce


Talented — talentosa

The best — la mejor

Thoughtful — pensativa

Tolerant — tolerante


Vivacious — vivaz


Wise — sabia

Wonderful — maravillosa


Young at heart — joven de corazón

Run into also: Positive Adjectives in Spanish for Whatsoever Person or Occasion

Improve Your Spanish Speaking Skills

Mother's Day is a time for love, family unit, friendship, and gratitude for all the moms and mother figures in our lives. Now, you're stocked with a plethora of fabulous words to describe your mom in Spanish. Want to larn how to pronounce these adjectives correctly and speak fluent Castilian? Sign upwards for a free course at Homeschool Spanish Academy!

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Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Cheque these out!

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Michelle Margaret Fajkus


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